Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

How Children’s Toys Affect Them in Life: Now and Before

         Lately, there are many new toys for children. Most of them, we can reach with electronic device as we can found in pc tablet, pc computer, or with what we usually call play station. The toys for children nowadays are really different with the toys for children long time ago, and it makes a really different character between children nowadays and children from the past. However, in my opinion, certain children’s toys do create social, emotional, and other for the children itself.
Children toys create social problem, it can be seen from the difference between children nowadays and children before. Children nowadays usually play with their electronic device, it makes them play with themselves only, when in the past, children usually play with others. It makes children nowadays more individualist and not used to teamwork.
Beside social problem, children’s toys nowadays can affect in emotional affect too. We can see it in children’s toys now, for example, game which is named Angry Bird. According to one of psychology researcher I’ve heard, this game make children who play it more temperamental. They usually really easy to be angry, and I think that’s because of the game that has angry character as a lead character. It proves that toys can affect children emotional aspect.
Also, there is another aspect beside social and emotional problem. I think it revers to creativity aspect. As we know, children in the past have so many variant of games they could play, and usually they make the tools themselves. It makes them more creative, really different with children nowadays that don’t have to make any tools. They only need to buy, and standing still in front of their gadget. As we can see, of course it will affect their creativity level.
Children’s toys now or before can affect children itself especially in social, emotional, and creativity aspect. We can see it from compare children in the past and children nowadays. Because of that, it’s important for parents to watch their children so the bad affection of the game can be prevent and the good affects can be maintained.

 -this essay is made to fullfill college task-

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