Senin, 19 September 2011

How to Make a Good Presentation

Public speaking can be very stressful. Whenever I get up in front of a crowd I go trough panic moment. My hands are shaking and my speaking isn’t clear. But, I’ve found that the more prepared we are, the more confident we feel. The preparation here includes mental preparation, physical preparation, support materials preparation, and don’t forget to enough practice before giving a presentation.
There are few things we should remember when we speaking such as positive thinking, stories telling, avoid to read slides or notes, strong and short intro, slow and steady presentation, confidence, smile, also the strong, crisp, clean, and powerful end. Don’t forget to prepare for interruptions and questions. If we’re doing well, we’ll have lots of questions.
There are five simple rules for creating presentations. The first rule is: Treat audience as king. The audience deserves to be treated like royalty.  Design a presentation that meets their needs, not just ours. Audiences want to know what we can do for them, why they should adopt our view, and the steps they need to follow to take action. Give them those things in a clear, easily understandable way, and we will undoubtedly find favor with the king.
The second rule is: Spread ideas and move people. The audience didn’t show up to read 60 page on screen dissertation. They’re there to see us, to be inspired by our message, and witness the quality of our thought. We are not giving our presentation to have another meeting.  We are there to covey meaning. So, consider including imagery that powerfully illustrates our point. Sometimes moving images can inspire in a way that static slides cannot.  A slow moving animation creates a sense of nostalgia. And a thought-provoking video moves your audience in a way that can change not only minds, but hearts.
The next rule is: Help them see what we are saying. Half of the people in our audience are verbal thinkers and the other half are visual. Combining minimal text with meaningful visuals means that we’ll reach everyone. Brainstorm graphics that will effectively communicate our message, and replace those words with a picture, chart or diagram.  Then apply a consistent treatment to our graphics to give our whole presentation a unified look so that the audience is attracted to, rather than distracted from the message.
Rule number 4: Practice design, not decoration. As tempting as it is to fill our slides with stuff, often de-decorating is the best policy. Any writer or designer will tell that 90% of the creative process is destructive. If we have a main point, consider putting just one word on the slide by itself.  Want them to remember a few items?  Don’t show everything at once.  Instead, show one item at a time.  Have a picture that accurately expresses the idea?  Scale that picture so that it fills the slide.  Have a quote that says it all?  Let it say it and remove everything else.
The last rule is: Cultivate healthy relationships (with your slides and your audience). Letting go is hard, we know. But don’t hide behind the slides. Breaking our dependence on our slides can do a world of good for our relationship with the audience. Reduce the amount of text to a few key words.  Put the rest into your notes, and then practice, practice, practice. Thinking of the slides as digital scenery, allows us to connect eye-to-eye with our audience in a meaningful way.
So there are the rules. But the question remains—Why go to all this trouble? Why not do it the way we are used to? The answer is simple, because everyone else does it that way, too. We need to stand apart and be different. When we apply these rules, and keep the audience’s needs top of mind, our presentation will not only hold their attention, but also change the world. (Well, at least our part of the world).

 -this essay is made to fullfill college task-

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