Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

100 Truths About Me!

1.      Last beverage: hmm.. air putih!
2.      Last phone call: him?
3.      Last text message: seseorang di kampus
4.      Last song you listened to: Be Your Everything
5.      Last time you cried: kemarin? LDR beraat

6.      Dated someone twice: hha ngga~
7.      Been cheated on: pernah. hoho..
8.      Kissed someone & regretted it: doubt it
9.      Lost someone special: I don't think so
10.  Been depressed: hmm..sering!!
11.  Been drunk and threw up: never

12. Red
13.  Pink
14.  Grey

15.  Made a new friend: yes
16.  Fallen out of love: yaaa… I think
17.  Laughed until you *nearly* cried? yepp.
18.  Met someone who changed you: hmm..yep yep
19.  Found out who your true friends were: iya.. haha
20.  Found out someone was talking about you: yes..
21.  Kissed anyone: hmmmm you think? :p
22.  How many people on your facebook friends list do you know in real life: about 60%..
23.  How many kids do you want to have: 4!!
24.  Do you have any pets: yes. mmm, actually my sisters. no..
25.  Do you want to change your name: depends~
26.  What did you do for your last birthday: tidur!!!
27.  What time did you wake up today: stengah 9. hehe.. tdur lagi abis shalat
28.  What were you doing at midnight last night: maen hape dngerin musik ngebloog~ skype sm habouby~
29.  Name something you CANNOT wait for: RELAX
30.  Last time you saw your Mother: baru aja, orangnya ada di samping aku lagi tiduur..
31.  What is one thing you wish you could change your life: not saying hello to that exact person you-know-who
32.  What are you listening to right now: musik.. someone’s song
33.  Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ga, perasaan
34.  What’s getting on your nerves right now: lapeer.. tapi mager
35.  Most visited webpage: FB, youtube, tumblr, blogger, twitter, instagram
36.  Whats your real name: Asysyifa Fathi Rabbani
37.  Nicknames: syifa, fatih, ncip, cipaaa, cipuuu, sifa, yg terakhir ncim* hahah
38.  Relationship Status: taken, married
39.  Zodiac sign? Cancer
40.  Male or female? female
41.  Primary school? SDIT AlQalam
42.  Secondary school? SMPIT Al-Kahfi
43.  High school/college? UI
44.  Hair colour: not sure
45.  Long or short: loooong~
46.  Height: 157an..sekitar 5,2 feet kayaknya…hehe
47.  Do you have a crush on someone? of course
48.  48: What do you like about yourself? betah lama2 ma buku
49.  Piercings: anting~ udh lama banget..
50.  Tattoos: ga dehh
51.  Righty or lefty: righty

52.  First surgery: gak pernah
53.  First piercing: waktu bayi di kuping…hehe
54.  First best friend: adilah..
55.  First sport you joined: renang
56.  First vacation: pas bayi dbwa2 kmna2 ma ortu
57.  First pair of trainers: ga tau ahh

58.  Eating: ayam, tahu, sambel
59.  Drinking: air putih aja deeh
60.  Doing: ngisi nih tulisan ma bikin proposal skripsi
61.  Listening to: conversation between my mother and my youngest sister
62.  Waiting on: finishing download movie. Pacific Rim. bapak yang minta

63.  Want kids? of course
64.  Get Married? iya lah.. pke nanya. already have :)
65.  Career? haha

67.  Lips or eyes: eyes
68.  Hugs or kisses: HUGS!
69.  Shorter or taller: taller of course
70.  Older or Younger: Older laah..
71.  Romantic or spontaneous: definitely spontaneous, romantic juga okey
72.  Nice stomach or nice arms: nice arms, so he can hold me tight
73.  Sensitive or loud: sensitive ajah
74.  Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75.  Trouble maker or hesitant: aduh. trouble maker deh!!

76.  Kissed a stranger: nooo..
77.  Drank hard liquor: gak tuh..
78.  Lost glasses/contacts: every morniiing~
79.  Sex on first date: tidak!!
80.  Broken someone’s heart: tanya orang.. kan mana saya tau
81.  Been arrested: tidak..
82.  Turned someone down: mungkin?
83.  Cried when someone died: pernah lah, masa mo ketawa2..
84.  Fallen for a friend? been there done that

85.  Yourself: harus duonk, kalo bukan aku siapa lagi..
86.  Miracles: kadang
87.  Love at first sight: mmmm.. who knows?
88.  Heaven: sangat percaya..
89.  Kiss on the first date: ga lahh
90.  Angels: sure!

91.  Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: yep.. husband malah XD hoho.. enggak dink.
92.  Did you sing today? ummm.. sekarang?
93.  Did something illegal? No.
94.  Insert randomness here: I love masaaal!!
95.  If you could go back in time how far would you go? To last week so I could see hubby's face for longer. Kangen...
96.  Ever cheated on somebody? hmmm no comment
97.  Are you usually late, early or right on time?: Depends. I'm always late, early for sleep, and on time for emotions.
98.  Are you afraid of falling in love? only of rejection
99.  Would you give your life to save someone else's? Look around mas Ali and I future child!
100.  Posting this as 100 truths? yuppy!!

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